• Sunday, 25 Jun 2017
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Benefits of Using HR Software for Analytics

Is your business planning to invest in HR software in the near future? A common mistake that businesses make when evaluating the value of software for HR is not realizing the full potential of what the technology can offer. Usually, they assume the software will help streamline HR processes and that is it. However, modern HR software offer a range of features that go above and beyond basic HR functions and can actually help bolster your bottom-line. One of the key factors in this regard is the Human Capital analytics module.

The software collects data about your employees that your HR department feeds into the system. Using the data, you can then generate reports that inform you about employee performance, discipline and engagement. Depending on the software you choose, the information could extend beyond these factors. The key thing to notice here is that the information you collect can be used for making informed decisions about your employees. You can come up with strategies to train, onboard, retain, and engage employees.

This is why HR analytics are becoming more important with time for businesses. If you are not convinced about the importance of analytics thus far, here are some benefits of using HR software for analytics:

Make Better Hiring Decisions

Your HR staff probably has a long list of candidates to choose from when making hiring decisions. At the end of the day, you would want the top talent in the market to join your company. Now, finding the cream of the crop is easier said than done. Modern employees seek more than just a good pay packet. This is where using analytics can help. You can filter the list of resumes that you receive using certain factors, such as experience. In the end, you will be left with a short list of the best candidates and you can pick the one you feel is the right choice.

Provide Better Training

There is no doubt that training is important for every business. A mediocre or poorly conceived training process can do more harm than good for your business. Instead of improving your employees’ skill sets, you would be distracting them from their jobs. This is where analytics come in. Using HR software, you can determine the skills your employees are lacking in and focus on those skills in your training programs. On the other hand, you can also assess the areas of strength for each employee and look to enhance them.

Get Insights into Employee Performance

Using software, you can keep tabs on the performance of each employee. You will get an objective view of how each employee is doing. This provides you greater insight into employee performance. Based on this, you can determine which employees need motivation and also which employees simply need a pat on the back. This also makes employee appraisals more convenient as you have all the data you need to make informed decisions. This can go a long way towards helping you retain your best employees.

Enhance Employee Retention Practices

To carry on from the previous point, when your employees feel their performances are being judged and appraised objectively, they are less likely to feel disgruntled or dissatisfied. You can ensure greater job satisfaction and hence improve your chances of retaining the best performers. You can also get information about your employee turnover rate and the factors that are causing employees to leave your company. You can then formulate strategies to enhance retention and keep employees from leaving.

As you can see, there are many benefits of using HR software for analytics. The key is to look for a tool that offers you the features you need to collect and analyze data effectively.