• Tuesday, 01 Mar 2016
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HR Management in Saudi Arabia Tips for Businesses

The fundamental aspect of any successful business operating in Saudi Arabia is to have a good team of workers. Not only do these workers ensure smooth business operation in all departments, but they also pave the way for better recruitment. However, running a company with a large number of employees can be taxing, especially for the human resources management (HRM) department. To alleviate the strain, this article provides tips and ideas on how to build a strong and productive team. Find out how to ensure your company does better than its competitors with regards to HR Management in Saudi Arabia:

Don’t Delay Hiring Good Talent

The HR departments in many businesses often interview and hire the wrong way. They interview one candidate on Monday, the next on Tuesday, and a third on Thursday. Then they may wait until the following week to review resumes, hence increasing the time needed to make a final hiring decision. Not only does this delay the hiring process, but it also increases the chances of LOSING good talent. Therefore, when it comes to hiring, the HR department must make it a habit to fasten their processes. Believe it or not, if you contact a potential employee two weeks after their initial interview, they would lose the interest of working with the company completely.

Get an Employee Handbook

Almost 42% of employers around the world don’t have a written policy for their working environment. This directly leads to employees not successfully understanding the policies of the company, hence resulting in confusion in the workplace. To avoid this from happening, have a written policy or employee handbook. This way, employees will better be able to understand vital policies, ensuring they have nothing to complain about in the end (as they are likely to agree to the details when joining the company).

Give Feedback and Rewards

The HR personnel are often considered the unsung heroes of a company. However, this doesn’t mean they must abstain from doing one of the MOST important jobs: keeping the employees happy at all times. Yes, believe it or not, it is the HR department’s job to keep the workers happy. So, don’t neglect them and give on-the-spot feedback with regards to their GOOD habits and work. Motivate the employees and they will help your business grow. And, without doubt the best motivation is to give them good feedback and rewards.

Greet New Employees Right Away

If it’s the first day of work for a new employee, there should be an HR manager there to greet this individual. Bear in mind, you don’t want the individual to be sitting idle, waiting for a response. Instead, greet the individual with an eager staff and have them paired up with a well-rounded individual from the team. The hiring manager must also make it a habit to discuss the day with the new employee before he/she goes home. This is an opportunity to answer questions and get feedback.

If you want to improve your HR Management in Saudi Arabia further, you can take advantage of HR Management Software offered by MenaITech.