• Sunday, 21 Oct 2007
  • 2111

Oxford College Grants MenaITech CEO Honorary Doctorate in Human Resources

Dr. Hawamdeh Awarded Certificate of Appreciation

The Oxford College for Higher/PHD Studies granted the CEO of MenaITech (Middle East & North Africa Internet Technologies) an Honorary Doctorate in Human Resources in recognition of his distinguished research and achievements in the field throughout Jordan and the MENA region during the previous few years.
MenaITech co-founder and CEO Dr. Hawamdeh said, “To receive an honorary doctorate during my early entrepreneurial career is more than words can describe. With a vision of establishing a company specialized solely in HR software, the business idea was received with doubt and cynicism in 2000 since it seemed like a futile objective in the Arab world at the time, and a weak foundation for a developing company.

I am glad to say that I have not only established a business, but a company that has raised awareness to an unimaginable degree on both HR and HRMS in specific. MenaITech has redefined the need of motivated, productive and satisfied members of organizations, a force that makes or breaks a business.

The establishment of MenaITech came into being due to my insistence on focusing attention on humans, some call them staff, others employees, I of course call them resources. And I cannot have made it without the team around me.”
The European Arab Business & Fellowship Foundation consists of a group of PHD Graduates in various disciplines registered as members in the European Arab Business & Fellowship Foundation and the Royal College for Professional Technology, whose high committee acts as an economic and scientific advisory council for members with large investments in EU private sectors and the Middle East.